Game Summary
Narrative driven Mecha Mercenaries Sim-Strategy Game set in Alternate WW2 setting in South East Asia
Genre : Narrative driven Simulation/ Turn-based Strategy
Target Platform : PC
Target Audience : 18 years old and up; fan of mecha, strategy games
Business Model : Premium PC
Game Engine : Gamemaker Studio 2
Narrative Driven
Player plays as a Scientist who just opened their mecha mercenaries business with their childhood friend, Crawford, and a friend they met overseas, Angela. The business will receive various contracts from 3 different countries with each their own goals. The contracts could decide the fate of the countries. There will be different consequences depending on which contracts the player chose.
Turn Based Battle
The battle in Tanasurga is turn based. The order of the turn is based the “Speed” stat from the highest to the lowest. In player turn, you can decide to use the mecha skill, pilot skill, basic attacks, defend, reload, or talk. Every turn player can only do 1 action except for some skills. When it’s enemy turn, they can do various things depending on the type of the enemy; some enemy can only do basic attacks and defends, while other enemies has special skills.
Pilots are unique characters that player can recruit to his/ her team to control the mecha and run the missions.
A breakthrough in technology allow the creation of powerful mecha unit. Now it’s used in every major battles
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